new show, new publications, same pandemic

I am a little late on sharing some good news about wonderful stuff I have been lucky to be doing this summer (mostly because this summer I have also been juggling motherhood during the pandemic and so many other fun stories) but here!

Last July I was fortunate to have my piece “beauty routine” from The Offline Website Project on display at the (un)continuity virtual exhibition curated by Shannon Lindsay, Ha’ani Hogan, and Anastasia Salter. Originally meant as two separate installations for the UCF Art Gallery and Orlando CityArts, the exhibit is now a permanent virtual resource. Check out my work and accompanying statement here.

If that wasn’t cool enough, this August I am thrilled to be publishing together with Scott Rettberg a gathering of essays on the relation between DH and e-lit, “Electronic Literature [Frame]works for the Creative Digital Humanities,” rolling out 3 or 4 new essays at electronic book review until the end of the year. All content is Open Access, so feel free to check it out! Scott and I wrote a comprehensive introduction on the topic, and you can also read now my solo contribution “Digital Creativity as Critical Material Thinking: The Disruptive Potential of Electronic Literature,” where I expand on the importance of making art for research purposes *and, basically, to have a better life*

Enjoy and stay alive and online.